Friday, February 5, 2010

Vintage Girdle In Mauve Velba Ladies, How Many Of You Wear Vintage Or Vintage Style Lingerie, Foundation Garments And Hosiery Everyday?

Ladies, how many of you wear vintage or vintage style lingerie, foundation garments and hosiery everyday? - vintage girdle in mauve velba

I love vintage fashion from the 1940s and 1950s, and their daily use. I think a vintage wardrobe is not complete if you use the underwear of the period. I have slides or tires, skirts, pants, bra ball, a garter and stockings or completely formed every day. I wonder how many other women here, too?


  1. I use vintage clothing, but not the vintage lingerie.
    But it is difficult to cool.

  2. I have a trainer or control top pantyhose in terms of extra calories they need ;-) in a given amount of camouflage
