Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cobb Co. Georgia Landfill Can I Find Eward McDonald, 1880 Census Record?

Can I find Eward McDonald, 1880 census record? - cobb co. georgia landfill

Where can I find information for Edward McDonald, 1880 Census of Marietta, Cobb Co., Georgia? Thank you!


  1. Note: .. It is from the LDS Family Search site, which is a copy of the U.S. in its entirety ...
    Not all information can be found in the original source, but may be enough if it is what you want ...

    Place of birth of the mother's name Marital Gender Race Age Birthplace relationship between father's occupation
    Edward McDonald m Self Male W 52 IRELAND IRELAND IRELAND Works City Streets
    MCDONALD Mrs. Cornelia W 27 m Female GA GA GA to keep the house
    Mary C. McDonald Dau S Female W 5 GA GA IRELAND
    John H. McDonald Son S Male W 3 GA GA IRELAND

    Census Place Marietta, Cobb, Georgia
    Family History Library Film 1254141
    NA Film Number T9-0141
    Page Number 165C

  2. Danielle Sweet ChildFebruary 17, 2010 at 6:33 AM

    This ancestry.com (I am not a paid subscription):

    Name: Edward McDonald
    Home in 1880: Marietta, Cobb, Georgia
    Age: 52
    Estimated end of birth: ABT 1828
    Birthplace: Ireland
    Relationship to Head of Household: Self (Head)
    Name of spouse: Cornelia
    Birthplace of father: Ireland
    Birthplace of Mother: Ireland
    Occupation: Works City Streets
    Marital Status: Married
    Race: White
    Gender: Female

    Household members:
    Name Age
    Edward McDonald 52
    Cornelia McDonald 27
    Mary C. 5 McDonald
    John H. McDonald 3

    Hope this helps.

  3. Danielle Sweet ChildFebruary 17, 2010 at 6:34 AM

    This ancestry.com (I am not a paid subscription):

    Name: Edward McDonald
    Home in 1880: Marietta, Cobb, Georgia
    Age: 52
    Estimated end of birth: ABT 1828
    Birthplace: Ireland
    Relationship to Head of Household: Self (Head)
    Name of spouse: Cornelia
    Birthplace of father: Ireland
    Birthplace of Mother: Ireland
    Occupation: Works City Streets
    Marital Status: Married
    Race: White
    Gender: Female

    Household members:
    Name Age
    Edward McDonald 52
    Cornelia McDonald 27
    Mary C. 5 McDonald
    John H. McDonald 3

    Hope this helps.

  4. http://www.geocities.com/jhm1953/

    Information on this page comes from the hand written copies of newspaper articles in the Atlanta area Edward McDonald life living in Marietta, Georgia, 1912. He was in or near Belfast, was Ireland (ABT 1828, 52 born in 1880) lived and then Ederny, Ireland with his brothers and sister. He was the husband of Harriett Johnson and / or Cornelia, and the father of John Hugh McDonald and Mary C. McDonald. He fought in the Crimean War and also on the Third Delaware Regement served the Union Army during the Civil War. The Third Infantry Delaware Regement met three years of service February to May 1862. Delaware was under the command of Colonel Samuel H. Jenkins, third, and consisted of 30 officers and 780 men. The entire regiment was on 3 July, dissolved 1865.Information brackets inserted by other historical documents as a reference. If you want more information about this person, please e-mail jhm1953@gmail.com
